A Digital Marketing Salary Increase in 2016

If you’re interested in earning a digital marketing salary, you’re in luck. Several jobs within the digital marketing industry are seeing healthy increases in base salaries in 2016.

A recent survey conducted jointly by the Robert Half Technology and The Creative Group show that employers are valuing certain jobs at a higher rate in 2016.

Here is a handy table with their results:

digital marketing salary


The survey was careful to state that depending upon your location in the U.S., these figures could be different from what’s presented above.

Even so, these are great salaries for a decent living.

Marketing is a great career field, because it changes constantly, almost nothing is formulaic, and you can be both creative and technical at the same time, if you want.

Some of the positions listed above required academic and technical training; if you want to be a wireless network engineer or a big data engineer, a four-year college degree is a must, as well as specialized training on wireless networks to be competitive in the job market.

Right now, mobile applications developers tend to come from both university and private training programs. Some app developers just learn on the job because they have other technical skills from past positions that have helped them master application development and implementation.

If you are a marketer already, you know that learning new skills and keeping up with the changes in online marketing are a constant. It’s both fun and frustrating, because you need to devote a good amount of time to learn new software and marketing processes. But it is rewarding for anyone who is not afraid of feeling a little uncomfortable while acquiring new skill sets.

We see the demand for highly skilled digital marketing professionals increasing.

If you’d like to improve your marketing automation and CRM integration, analyze and revamp your marketing and sales programs goals and objectives, contact us with your requirements.

Image courtesy flickr.com

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