How To Get The Most From Your B2B Marketing Efforts

B2B content marketing is often thought of as hiring a writer who has expertise in your business vertical to crank out 300 – 500 word blog posts, scheduling several in a row, and copying/pasting the link on social media.

Sadly, there’s more to it than just that. Here are some considerations that shape your efforts:

  • Tapping into your prospect’s pain points
  • Understanding searcher intent when picking the keyword phrases to develop content
  • Being receptive to creating different kinds of content – video, podcasts, infographics – which require more effort than just writing articles, posts or white papers

b2b content marketingOne of the biggest challenges to overcome is writing for each part of the sales cycle in the buyer’s journey and posting content for each persona you identify as a prospect. Developing multiple types of content on a variety of topics at just the right time is incredibly difficult to conceptualize, create and coordinate to get the desired response from your target audience.

Then too often, publishing content pieces and distributing them on the appropriate social media channels often results in disappointment after investing considerable time and effort into creating interesting, useful, unique information because the response is low or non-existent. When this happens, how do you respond?

Unfortunately, this happens more often than not, and you need to go back to the start of your content marketing strategy and revise it.

B2B Content Marketing Done Right

I’m not trying to be pessimistic. As part of your inbound marketing strategy, you have to develop content. The more you understand your persona(s), the more often you’ll nail the right message for your prospects.

Having actionable, easy to understand marketing and sales data helps tremendously. However, this is yet another challenge that has to be conquered or else you’re starting from a position of bad data or no data.

Oftentimes, this is the first problem that has to be solved. Getting the most out of your marketing automation software functionality and reports can be difficult, but if the data you are looking at is incomplete or is not fully comprehensible, everything in your marketing strategy suffers.

Measured Results Marketing digs deep into your sales and marketing programs and processes to find gaps that cause your teams to miss critical information. We analyze what you’re currently doing, what you need to be accomplishing, and we’ll figure out how to get the most out of your marketing automation software and processes.

Contact us to learn more.

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